Saturday 20 November 2010


Well, well, well! Hello everyone!
I am Frea (or for real: Adinda, as some of my real-world fellows have known)
and I am the owner of this blog!

Let's just say, I made this blog on order, for my ICT project,
but on the way I decided to make this blog a new blog of mine.
(I had one before, it's ::|| 9 A L T A ||:: which is here

It's probably because that time I remembered that the one of the things, or persons, that is beyond the name of the blog is already kind of my past. And I didn't (and still don't) really want to be trapped down there again. Hehe, sounds a bit too serious, eh? Well then, just skip that!

I'll post anything I want here.
For information, according to my interests, it will possibly revolve around international cultures, arts, anime, manga, RPG, culinary, and my own life.
I'm not a native speaker of English, so it's very possible for me to be off-tracks sometimes, and I am very sorry for that. But I want my post to be able to be read by wider range of reader, and that's why I decided to post in English (although I will probably post some in my main language, too :) )

For the first 5 or 6 posts, it will relate to technology, as ordered for my ICT project. I haven't really planned the post, but I guess it will be around game, anime, and real technology.

And here is some introduction to my blog environment

Up there on the top left of the page is the title. On the top right is the search button, and below that is the share button group. But then again, I suppose you are all already familiar enough to them, aren't you? :P
Below the group, there is a clock, it is set up according to my local timezone which is GMT+7 (Jakarta, Indonesia).
And then, below that is my playlist, I hope you like the songs!
I set it to automatically start when the page is done being accessed, hopefully you can enjoy the songs there, and the auto-start feature doesn't really bother you :)
But probably there are some songs (videos) on the list that cannot be played, you can click on the provider logo to go straight to the source to know why :|

Back to the navigation board!
Below the playlist is the Cbox, which is a chat box, and I wish you'll be able to spend some of your time there. When you have something to say to me, just post there! :D
Then below that is my blogger and facebook profile. Below those is the calendar, and the new feature, Networked Blogs. This feature makes you able to follow my blog via your facebook account, the updates will be posted on my blog facebook page :)

Below that is the normal Google follower tab, and the last of the bar is the traffic tools which are the tracker and the visit counter :)

Back to top again, below the title is the slideshow, it contains the pictures that present the general theme of the (will-be) posts here :)
Some (you can figure which ones) are my own mix in Paint , I wish you like them! :D

Well then, that's all! Good (mid)night, folks! ;)


clara putri said...

thanks info nya dindaaaaaaa

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